Voicemail is a necessary evil for most of us today.
I wanted to pass along the comments of a Mr. Tibor Shanto, a self-proclaimed voicemail expert. (btw...this image is definitely not of Mr. Shanto.)
Although I would dismiss some of Mr. Shanto's assertions as sheer puffery, e.g. “50% of my voicemails are returned in 72 hours”, I actually like the way he frames up the entire communication environment that has led to the prevalence of the use of voicemail today.
His tips on how to leave a voicemail are on point too. He says his voicemails are just ten seconds long. They include:
• His name and company,
• His phone number (pronounced slowly),
• And a short, somewhat cryptic comment that piques curiosity and compels the recipient to call you back.
In this link (here) is a 10-minute YouTube video where Mr. Shanto talks at length on how to leave a voicemail. It’s definitely worth a listen if you'd like to brush up on your voicemail skills.
All the best!
by Chris Holman
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